JavaScript is not working on Github Pages

I was developing some web projects on, as parts of the freeCodeCamp full-stack web development certification. codepen is fine, but I want to take the onwership of my project and make it personal. Thanks to Github Pages, you can deploy web pages for free. In my ‘Random quote machine’ project. It draws a random quote when loaded, and if you click the ‘new quote’ button. It is working well on codepen, so the problem should be compatibility of jQuery and Github Pages.

The layout and appearance was developed by HTML and CSS, they should be fine. The deployed Github Pages was displayed normal, except no quote!! That part was controled by JavaScript, to make the webpage responsive and much fun to interact. To make things simpler (or complicated?), I used jQuery, a JavaScript library for DOM handling.

Now thing getting routine, just search the problem. The seperate closing tag is not the case as I have it. Someone suggest the problem might come from the serving of jQuery with ‘HTTP’, on Github Pages it prefers ‘HTTPS’, which is a safer option. Changing ‘HTTP’ to ‘HTTPS’ sovled the problem. Now my ‘Random Quote Machine’ is working, like a charm. You can find it at